Sunday, January 27, 2008

Things that MUST go!!!!

When I am watching TV on a Sunday afternoon with my 12 yr old, I do not want to see this commercial come on anymore! Five times it came on, and in the middle of the afternoon. It's bad enough that the tampon ones come on and I have to explain what the hell those are for. And mind you I did just say the aren't for boys, let it go Hunter! (That explaination was not going to cut it.) But after the fifth time that Extenze commercial was on I knew his little mind was turning. And as we all learned from the previous blog-sweet, little Hunter is one fry short of a happy meal. He turned to me and said " I can't believe they sell steriods on TV, why would anyone want to use steriods?"
Yes Hunter-that is exactly right! No explaination needed.

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