Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Amy!!!!!

I've concluded that after the age of 30, life is all downhill! After dinner, Gaylynn needed to get home to her new baby, and us girls that were left had to decide our next move (since the b-day girl couldn't make up her mind)

Should we just sit on the couch at Jessica's house?,
It's only 9:30(amy'sbedtime ) This camera still sucks! Going dancing?, get our belly buttons/other body parts pierced?

Nope, us "crazy", single, no kids tonight ladies decided Cold Stone and a movie! Whoa-watch out everyone! We're painting the town!!!
I guess 27 dresses wasn't that bad, we all got home at a decent hour, no hangovers, I can recall the whole night, my hair doesn't reek of smoke, all in all a good night!
Love U Amy, Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

Nice to know that your life didn't start the big decline until 30. I felt like mine was long gone at 27. Way to pull a few extra years out!
I would also like to say that I think I know have Hunters correct age on my blog. So Sorry. Guess he and I aren't as close as i thought.