Sunday, January 27, 2008

I LOVE my kids!

Is this not the cutest picture, it's Brody at 2 weeks old. How time flies by!!!!!!!!!!
Today Brody gave a talk in sacrament meeting,Yes-we all went to church. (It was noisy and boring as usual.) Anyhow, he spoke on honesty and he did a great job! He is such a wonderful kid, I can't even imagine what my life would be like without him or Hunter. My mom and dad always said when I was younger (and a handful) "I hope when you have kids, they turn out like you!" Now I know that didn't happen, because both of my boys are perfect! I really am thankful that they were sent to me, I think God knew what he was doing. I can't tell them (or anyone else who is reading this) enough how much I love them, my life is so wonderful because of them!

Things that MUST go!!!!

When I am watching TV on a Sunday afternoon with my 12 yr old, I do not want to see this commercial come on anymore! Five times it came on, and in the middle of the afternoon. It's bad enough that the tampon ones come on and I have to explain what the hell those are for. And mind you I did just say the aren't for boys, let it go Hunter! (That explaination was not going to cut it.) But after the fifth time that Extenze commercial was on I knew his little mind was turning. And as we all learned from the previous blog-sweet, little Hunter is one fry short of a happy meal. He turned to me and said " I can't believe they sell steriods on TV, why would anyone want to use steriods?"
Yes Hunter-that is exactly right! No explaination needed.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My little genius

So I thought I would share a funny comment that Hunter made the other night. Rarely do I recall any of their MANY comments they make throughout the day, but this one really stuck with me.
Hunter-bless his little heart, was sitting on the couch with me watching Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant. Just as the show started, he turned to me and asked "mom, is he REALLY pregnant?"
My reaction-(if I had a mirror probably would have been priceless!) was one of disbelief, I do realize however half of his genes are coming from Spencer so let's cut the poor kid some slack!
I then asked him "Hunter, can men have babies?" ( I was desperately hoping for the correct answer or the fall off the counter when he was 8 months old, really took it's toll!)
He did answer "No!" (THANK HEAVENS) Well then I said, you have answered your own question.
I do forget at times that because he to is bigger than I am, that he still is clearly a child. A very sheltered, innocent, sweet child trapped in a hit puberty too soon, man's body. But without him and Brody my life would be very boring indeed! Love U Hunter

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Amy!!!!!

I've concluded that after the age of 30, life is all downhill! After dinner, Gaylynn needed to get home to her new baby, and us girls that were left had to decide our next move (since the b-day girl couldn't make up her mind)

Should we just sit on the couch at Jessica's house?,
It's only 9:30(amy'sbedtime ) This camera still sucks! Going dancing?, get our belly buttons/other body parts pierced?

Nope, us "crazy", single, no kids tonight ladies decided Cold Stone and a movie! Whoa-watch out everyone! We're painting the town!!!
I guess 27 dresses wasn't that bad, we all got home at a decent hour, no hangovers, I can recall the whole night, my hair doesn't reek of smoke, all in all a good night!
Love U Amy, Happy Birthday!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Kyle XY?

I clearly have nothing worth while going on right now at my house, the boys had games on Saturday, but their idiot mother forgot the camera. Hunter won one and lost one, Brody got killed and had a lovely altercation with a fine young man on the other team. My kid weighs almost 200lbs of solid muscle people, you 15 yr olds have nothing up against my 21 yr old!
Anyhow, back to what I originally wanted to post here..... I keep telling everyone I have found Tyden all grown up if you have ever seen the TV show Kyle XY, no one has ever heard of the show. Anyways here are a couple of pics I have found (sorry so small) do they not look similar? Oh he is soooo cute! Watch out ladies, he clearly is going to be a looker when he gets older! (good thing Irene is already married) Just kiddin Irene!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

This camera sucks!

I bought this camera just over a year ago, it wasn't cheap either. And on the day Brody has his first basketball game it decides to not work properly. I am so angry, I have taken good care of it, is it asking to much to buy something and expect it to work properly after the year warranty runs out? Good hell! Anyhow, it was Brody's first game on Saturday and his team killed the other team! Now I am truly celebrating because Brody and Skyler usually get put on a shit team with no coach, and it is truly exhausting for me and Jessica. Not this year friends! And we have a coach (hell must have frozen over). With two boys in basketball and Hunter is on three different teams, I would like to say right now a big "THANK YOU" to everyone that helps me drag these kids around to practice and games. Without you guys (my family, Jessica, Hunter's coach, NOT Spencer or his family). I wouldn't be able to do anything and Brody and Hunter would be the two most bored kids in the world. So "THANK YOU"!!!!!! (was that Spencer comment rude?) Hunter was pooped, and I thought this was a funny picture,click to enlarge his face. Hehe

Brody is #10, yes his jersey is two sizes too small

After the game we took the boys to get something to eat, Skyler just

wanted a drink.( I think he was on his 6th lemonade) And clearly

some people are not cooperating with the picture taking. Sorry,

but you're still going to be part of the blog!

This was Hunter's first game of the day, It's fairly apparent that we won-woohoo!!! Unfortunetly, he had another game right after this one and we weren't as lucky. I can't remember the score and because there is clearly something wrong with my camera there are no pictures of that game.

Do you know what other famous basketball players also wore #23?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!!

I am so lucky to have such great friends! Every New Year's Eve we all hang out at Gaylynn and Dave's for drinks, food, and games. We all have a great time, the kids (boys) stay in the basement playing Xbox and the "grown ups" stay upstairs in the kitchen where the "fun" takes place. And if we are lucky, sometimes there is a Robinson family member who shows up to entertain! We missed you Garren! (inside joke)

Eileen and Ernie
(Ernie is the one about to go hunting-watch out rabbits)

The entertainment is these kids! Jazmin has the model pose down!

"Dancing Queen" is Joe. FYI- Skyler's dad, and just so you know he didn't want me selling his picture over the internet. So anyone who would like a copy, let me know and I will duplicate one for you free of charge!

Amy has a "boyfriend" now, she's so darn cheery. Bitch!

They have been going out for a couple of years now, what a cute couple.

I think you will all agree, Skyler looks just like Jessica. Sorry Joe.

Now here's a cute couple-ya right. (If Jessica's 2008 New Year's Resolution goes through). That was #1 on her list-get married, and then she changed it to get engaged. But I don't think that was what Joe had on his list.

Mother and Daughter-how sweet and they look so much alike!

Here's the new guy Beau or Bo. I prefer to call him Bart. ( I couldn't remember his name at first so I kept calling him Bart)
This was the first time we got to meet Amy's new "boyfriend". He was very nice and seemed to adore Amy! (who wouldn't) And he put up with me calling him Bart all night, so he's in!
Welcome to the group Bart!

Where is my date you ask? Well I'm sorry to say he was on call and in surgery most of the night. It is really a shame, he missed a great party :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

At Last

I wanted to give a shout out to myself, this was part of my 2007 New Year's resolution. Yes I know it's 2008 now, but this was finished like a week ago so- ha! And I know that I have two sons but only one son wanted his room painted. Hunter is loving it! And I think I did a great job for an amateur. Now the Dwayne Wade is a Fathead sticker-not painted by me, but it does look great! Way to go me!!!!!