Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ode to Jazmina

Jazmin is Gaylynn's first born. (Gaylynn is one of my best friends) Anywho, she had a dance performance Wednesday night and we all came out to see her moves. She finally performed after about 60 other groups and they did a hip hop number to a "gansta" song, I think the title was "Murder." (Very christmasy and uplifting!) But she looked great and she did a really good job. It's so crazy to see her so grown up looking with all the makeup (she's beautiful!) it makes me realize I am getting way old. Yikes!


Unknown said...

Guy and Sue said you were there, but I didn't see you! Did you guys see Deanna and B'Elana perform? B'Elana is one of the Lil' Devil cheerleaders, and Deanna was in 3 dances that evening. Hope you all had a nice evening and a Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Oh, and the teacher that taught that song was going to be having the 3rd-6th grade hip hop class dancing to that song originally...could you imagine my 11 year old dancing in that song? I would have flipped!!!