Sunday, April 6, 2008


I didn't realize that a roof was not able to withstand wind, clearly I was misinformed. Every damn time its windy outside, I loose a bunch of shingles. This is like the fifth time, and if anyone knows of the roofing contractor that did the Copper Creek Estate homes-let me know because I am going to kick his/their ass!!!

These pictures really don't do the damage justice. Look at my back yard of weeds and shingles. Lovely isn't it? Wish u were here don't u?

My adorable father replaced the shingles the first hundred times, now that he is an invalid, I guess I will have to have Spencer do it. (I am being sarcastic)


{irene} said...

That sucks girl!!!

The Redhead said...

Potty mouth!
Love you regardless!

Oh yeah, I have an Indian for hire if you're interested!