Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A few of my favorite things......




What is the legal limit?

Sweet old Matt, making sure everyone is safe to drive home! What a dedicated public employee!!!


The Redhead said...

Im really sorry I missed the shindig but I had soooo many other offers that came rolling in before yours. You really have to book us ahead of time. Inter-racial couples are becoming so popular at game nights now a days. Geez. So glad to see that Matt was doing his job and what comfort it is to know that my tax dollars are being well spent!

petry's said...

again, leaving me out you Whores!!! (is that offensive?) Love that word!!! Plus angie you have the only honest blog on google. A little shocking but it is what it is.... Raegan couldn't show up to your party because she was drunk like six hours before that, lets just tell it like it is...