Thursday, April 10, 2008

Batter Up

Brody's first game was today, I was so excited! I love Baseball!
He is so adorable! He gets those thick legs from me! (definetly not Spencer aka chicken legs)

Of course being the size he is-he hits really well (and numerous private hitting lessons didn't hurt) Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Coe!

The last time Brody played catcher was when he was about 8yrs old. Thank goodness he is a quick learner, he didn't do too shabby. His team won and they were so far ahead, they called the game early. My whole life revolves around my boys and their sports, so if you were sick of the basketball-you'll be just as sick with all the baseball. Sorry, that's my life.

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

Brody did get the Coe legs but I don't think you should say it like its a compliment. I despise my tree trunks. I am dying with the comment you left about mom's moo moo or tent. i can't stop laughing! Poor mom, she looks terrible in that picture.