Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Raegie!!!

This is one of my fav pics! (I'm sure Raegan hates it-she has BDD) Anyways Happy Bday to my sister! She is a wonderful sister and friend-she is the best mom and has 3 of the cutest indians ever! She is sassy but sweet, a great listener but outspoken and knows how to balance the two! My whole life growing up I wanted to be the only child, and I can't tell you enough how happy I am to have her and her family in my life. I love you Raegie-Happy bday!

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

R u kidding me? BDD???? I have PVOMTBD(perfect vision of my transparent body disorder) get it right! Thanks for the lovely post. I am equally as glad that I have you in the fam. You are one of my best friends and you love me no matter how "sassy and outspoken" I can be (some might call it bitchy and rude, but I sure don't mind if you continue to sugar coat it.)Love you!!!!