Saturday, July 19, 2008

Almost 16-ahhhhhhhhhhh!

My sweet little Brody is going to be 16 on Aug. 13th (so sad-my baby!) and his wonderful Grandpa fixed up the Dodge Stealth and brought it over to suprise him. He spent hours with Brody washing and waxing the car and then took him on a little drive and showed him the ins and outs of the notorious Stealth!
I have never seen Brody so happy! He even cleaned out the garage to make room for HIS car!(he was freakin out thinking it was going to rain on his wax job)

Can you imagine your grandparents just bringing you over a 300 horsepower car-very safe mom and dad! I'm dreading finding out how much it's going to be to put this on my insurance.
G and G Coe- your the best! (Even if you used a few fraudulent checks to pay for it)

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

That seriously was so nice of dad. Can you imagine being a 16 yr old boy and getting that car? LUCKY (in a Napoleon voice that sounds best).