Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Tonight we had a little surprise at our door-Brody got asked to MORP. (For all you people who live under rocks, MORP is PROM and it's girl's choice.) He really is excited, it's hard to tell by his face in this picture. He was so funny, he had no idea who it was that asked him, and I had to tell him to look in each one of the wrappers for a name. Sure enough, I was right! (I've been to a couple of dances of my own back in the day) What a popular guy! I hope she's cute!
Any ideas on how we should answer her? I've brainstormed a few, but I am taking suggestions.


The Redhead said...

By the looks of it, Brody is either really confused by the 'pun' or he knows who it might be and doesn't seem to thrilled.

Di said...

That is so cute! I remember those fun invitations and Tyler always did cute things, but I think it was because he had a lot of help from Shauna and the gang so I'm sure you guys will think of something great.