Sunday, June 6, 2010

Party Party Party!

The reason for all this hoopla
Brody and Radio

Jazzy and Carter

We had a GRAD party for Brody (thanks to Lisa/Matt for backyard)

My dear, sweet mom planned it all, invited everyone, got all the food-she is fabulous!

Also thanks Lisa and Diana, and Raegan for helping setup and cleanup, and Thanks to everyone that came and did not wear their grass skirts and coconut bras (no one whats to see that shit)

Lisa and Matty

Fabulous Darcy who does EVERYONES hair (well not gaylynn's now)

These two cuties were trying to blow out the torches

Jace and Ellie

Complete opposites: one won't talk-the other wont stop talking

Same thing at this table! Who do you think that chatterbox is here?

Skyler and Jessica

I still don't think the noses are the same

My Aunt Judy and Uncle Wilford, They are so sweet. I just love them!

Brinley was wanting same cake! She'd say "guess what?", "guess what?" then you say what and then she'll answer I wanna go get some cake.

This was so adorable a posted it twice!

A year from now or sooner we will have the same picture but brody and skyler will be in the back of matt's police car and Brody will still have that dimple smile and Matt will still have that goofy grin and Skyler will still have that look of confusion.

now these TWO LOOK ALIKE!! (im off the hook)

Dalton, Skyler, Tyler

Hunter and Raegie

Dave, Gaylynn,Brinley

We were all so glad that Diana, Ambree, And Tyden were able to come for the party! (missed you Tbone)

Boe, Amy, Me

Spencer's mom Melinda and his sister Darcy

Sweet little Jazmin giving Grandpa Tucker a hug

Brody and Briel

Matt was still on duty, so get a good look at how your tax dollars are spent people!

Ken, Melinda, Carter

Grandma Slagle (GG)

and Brittni


Sisters, sister there were never such devoted sisters

(its from a musical-name the movie)

It was the best Luau party and I owe it all to my wonderful mom! Thanks again everyone that helped and thank you to everyone who came!


The Redhead said...

Ok, where do I start? I think Britt looks REALLY cute in the first pic of her. I can't even tell the hair isn't real. To me, it is WAY WEIRD that Jasmine is hugging Brett as if they were Dad and they really know each other that well? What is with that girl and hanging out with the 30 and older crowd? She needs to be sitting at the teen table! She is adorable. You seriously should THANK mom TONS for doing SO much work ALWAYS for your kids. She is the best grandma ever. She looks so tired in one of the pics. She ran around ALL DAY! Honestly, I LOVE HER!

The Redhead said...

Oh yeah, one more thing...Spencers dad has somewhat of a Sean Connery thing goin on!

Life's a Breeze said...

Ok where do I begin! Jazmin has been hanging out with us old people since she was 1yr old and we all see each other all the time. Your Brittni commment...I have nothing to say(u r nuts) and I did thank mom! She is old, tired and has been watching all her grandkids non-stop since they were born, and has never had a break watching all her older children/husband!

Life's a Breeze said...

And by the way....your Spencer's dad comment is just weird.

Di said...

Ok Where Do IIIIIIIIIII begin? How about from the beginning. Sean connery is great in darby o gill and the little people. Mom is haggered because she feels the need to put out so many fires and all she has is a thimble of water. And third Diana is so flippin beautiful and those kids of hers are too cute. Finally, I sure feel sad that I am missing out on all the hoopla in Utah. Miss U, and everyone else. This is Tmoney saying "say no to drugs, unless your friends are doin it than you should consider it, because what is more important than fitting in?" Drug free in 2010.

The Redhead said...

Tyler, if it weren't for your comments being f'n hilarious....what would i ever have to laugh at? Way to keep it real!

The Redhead said...

Oh yeah, and ANgie: first off, I retract my comment about the hair not lookin real. It is obvious it isn't..that was crazy of me. Secondly, I didn't ask if jazmin had been hangin out with you since she was 1. Of course she has, her mom is your friend. KEY WORD HERE: MOM! And third...why didn't you address the comment about her and BRett and her arm around him? shes definately got a thing for older men. seems to run in your circle of friends i guess! and the sean connery comment was not to say that he is a sexy old man like sean, no sir! it was to say that he has the white hair and dark brows and old thing going. peace out peeps!