Monday, October 5, 2009

Senior pics

My brother Josh will love this.....he called me last week to let me know what a geek I am because I'm always writing about my kids and crying about how old they are and how sad I am that they'll be gone soon. But anyways, I happen to love my kids and having them around (maybe cuz I have no life and nothing else?) But Brody showed me his Senior pictures last night and I about died! I know I'm his mom and of course I think my kids are the cutest- but how handsome does he look? I can't get over how old he looks either! Oh great-here come the tears, you'll understand Josh when your kids are this old and you can't believe how fast it all went. And you'll wish you would have spent more time with them-enjoying them- instead of yelling at them or sending them to their rooms. (that last part is for Raegan)

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

Shut up you beeeyatch. I never send my kids to their rooms. Ellie is an angel and I just threaten to send Logan to his room. Im way too lazy to walk him all the way upstairs. Duh!