Monday, December 17, 2007

Nutcracker or "Crackerdonuts" per Ellie

How cute are they (The girls, I mean.)

Brotherly love-they are into the christmas spirit

Stand back! Or I'll get my nutcracker out.

The boys are excited it's over, Bailey's just happy to be alive, and Gracie-I'm not sure what the the problem was. (she's sad it's over?)

Well it's a race to the blog, we all went to the Nutcracker tonight and we all took pictures.And as far as I can tell, no one is up at this hour-so I'll be the first to post! YES! (boy, I have no life)

We all met at my mom's at 6:00, so that means we left at about 6:20. But what's 20 minutes between friends? I hate being late, it's the OCD. And I'm not shy about expressing when I'm on time and someone isn't, so if your offended-now you know and you should start being punctual!

Anyhow we had lots of fun, Hunter not so much. But Brody did enjoy it and was asking on the way home, for a pair of tights for christmas. And on the way home we stopped at Burger King. Where Shauna proceeded to ask the man over the intercom "Do you have any Whoppers?" (I guess it's a commercial) She then laughed so hard at herself that the car shook like a bowl full of jelly.(It's christmas time/Santa-get it?) She's her own biggest fan, I quickly apoligized for her behavior. Here are some adorable pictures from the night, ENJOY!!!!


The Redhead said...

why is Gracie crying????

petry's said...

SO lady, those of us who drove an hour home and then got up to go to work at 330 am didn't get a chance to post !! But leave it to you to come through- doin us bloggers proud!!! (So if you calculate that I got home at midnight that made a whopping 3 1/2 hours of sleep woo woo)

Life's a Breeze said...

Some of us only get 2 hours of sleep a night-not by choice, and some of us have to work 70hrs a week because we are single mothers. Somehow I don't have any sympathy for your 3 1/2 hour comment.

The Redhead said...

Tell Brittni to please send me an ivnitation to her next pity party....he he he. J/K Britty, love you!

The Redhead said...

Sorry to dominate the comment section but I have a lot to say----always. So last night Lance and I were up late watchig T.V. and the Burger King Whopper commercial came on. I told Lance the story and we were dying. It was so funny!

Life's a Breeze said...

F.Y.I. Just because you make a bitchy,snotty comment and add "Just Kidding" after it, still makes you bitchy and snotty.(and we all know it)

The Redhead said...

I think we all know who the snotty beast is!

petry's said...

So isn't there an unwritten rule that you can't post comments on your own blog???? well if there isn't there should be!!

Di said...

Ok so I am cracking up at all of the comments left. I am so glad I decided to visit even if it is a little late. Thanks for the entertainment. Love your blog tell it like it is. I pulled a j/k comment on Raegan this week about the popcorn and I did feel snotty afterwards so that's true.