Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Babies

I don't know what happens to a mom but this mom gets so sentimentel when going through old pictures of my kids. Even now writing about them I get teary eyed just thinking about how much I love them and can't believe what wonderful kids they are. Not to mention how cute they are (but we can give their dad half credit for that one) they are the only thing in my life that gives it meaning and worth-when I see their hard work and accomplishments somehow in my mind I take a little credit that I might have had some good influence on them. And as time keeps ticking away and they keep growing up and away from me, when they are happy, healthy, successful men they will realize and understand that everything I do is for them. That all the time away from them, all the games, parent meetings, and activities I had to miss because I had to adjust to being a single mom and constantly work-that they will understand it is for them. Because without those two-I have nothing at all!

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