Monday, October 6, 2008

What's bald, wears a back brace, but is lots of fun?

Old Mikey!
My dad had a birthday yesterday and has made it to almost 60! You know, when your little 60 seems farely old, but the closer I get to it-it really isn't THAT OLD. And so far both my parent seem to be in good health-thank goodness cuz I'm NOT taking care of them. (that's Raegan's job)
I love my dad!
He's always been there for me and my kids, He would always tell me that no one will love me as much as my family does (that might be true only because I've pissed everyone else off) he has a great sense of humor, he loves his grandkids (mine are the favs) he always comes to Brody and Hunter's games-even though he has a hard time sitting still. He always calls Spencer "Lenny" which is my personal favorite! He has really had a hard time these past couple of years with his back and all the surgery, but he is so strong and so stubborn that he will probably live past all of us-just to piss old Shauna off. I am so very thankful for my dad and mom, at times it isn't expressed because they are driving me nuts, but I love them very much. Happy B-day Dad!


petry's said...

hey they cut off Brodys' head ???

I agree, no one loves you or makes you more mad than family... i appreciate them all more from a distance..


ashlee brooke photography said...

angie babe!
i know you said you wanted to do family pics.
if you're still interested let me know!! i'd love to do them.
i just don't really know how to work blogger that well so i didn't know how to reply..? still don't!
let me know. i would looooove to take pics of your cute family!
love ya!