Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I don't know why these two look like they are drinking the vinegar and dye. (they are tired of having their pics taken)
Easter is so much fun but I only have a couple more years of being able to get them to dye eggs. It's so sad, these are the only times I miss having small children. But they are good sports and comply, I think just to please me.Anyhow.. we went to Matt's on Sunday to bless Jace, it was so sweet. Matt's blessing was so special it brought me to tears (i know, be shocked) it's so weird to see your younger brothers grow up and mature into men, with families. (most of the time being great examples for my sons) And it's so nice to see my sweet sister Brittni and her kids (which aren't pictured-sorry) I definitely realize how much I really do love my crazy, dis functional family! No i'm not on any medication.... It's been a rough week, (for me it's been a rough few years). But I don't really tell everyone enough how much I do love them (that includes their spouses) yes Lance, that means you pal. And my wonderful parents.... I apologize for the previous picture! (It was good for a few million laughs though) HAPPY EASTER!

Lisa's sweet mom and dad came down for the blessing. And her wonderful brother Steve. (he's available for any spy mission for a small fee)

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

Steve is for hire? I had no idea. Its good to know though because Im not sure what Lance is really doing when he goes 5 times a week to "basketball." Hmmmmm. Love the blog and the pics.