Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So I learned a few new things about Ellie this weekend-she likes Victoria Secret silky jammies, Wizards of Waverly Place (Selena Gomez)
and is a natural and a BIG fan of Pole dancing!

I know Lance will just LOVE these pictures of her and the pole.

We were playing Dance Kinect and Zumba when my water heater starting leaking so Ellie followed me to the basement (which I'm sorry you all have to see the mess down there) I turned around for a minute and she had already climbed up the pole and yelled NEAT! Why do you have a fireman's pole?

And then for about 2 hours she learned a few tricks and she was hooked! The first thing she said when she woke up EARLY on Sunday morning she said to me "can I go practice on the pole?"

Please excuse the mess-just focus on Ellie

Friday, May 27, 2011

Catchin Up

Dance Kinect-my fav! Thanks Gdog!

California Pizza Kitchen

The Foxhole (karoke night)Spelling?

My favorite little indians birthday! I love Ellster-I can't believe she is 6

New Rec Center

Fight night at Gdog's

Our internet isn't working at home so it's been awhile. Here's just a few weeks worth of what we've been up too. Hunter's basketball, Ellie's Birthday, my birthday w/ the girls